
Discover the Clarsach – Scotland’s most ancient instrument

Played throughout the land over many centuries, the clarsach (Scottish Gaelic ‘harp’) predates even its piping and fiddling cousins as the mainstay of Scottish instrumental music.

The Clarsach Society was founded in 1931 to advance the clarsach and its music, and to preserve its place in the national life of Scotland and in the wider world harp community.

For 90 years, The Society has been sharing its passion for this beautiful instrument, through teaching, performance, publishing and research.

Edinburgh International Harp Festival

The Edinburgh International Harp Festival is our showcase event: an annual celebration of musical talents from the global harp community.

Join The Clarsach Society

Join a vibrant community of learners, teachers, professional players and enthusiasts and find out what’s so special about the instrument that connects them.

Tionndadh Gàidhlig

Tha sinn air cuid de dhuilleagan eadar-theangachadh gu Gàidhlig agus tha sinn ag amas air barrachd a chur ris a dh’aithghearr.

Le taic bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig

Pick up a Piece of Clarsach History

The 40 / 90 Anniversary Folio

40/90 Folio

A gorgeous collection of 22 tunes, to mark the 40th Edinburgh International Harp Festival and the 90th anniversary of The Clarsach Society.

Stuart Eydmann’s In Good Hands

In Good Hands

The first comprehensive exploration of the clarsach in modern Scotland. Essential reading for anyone interested in Scottish music and culture.

News and Events


The Clarsach Society is delighted to launch our new Shetland branchensuring we really do have the whole country covered. There had beenan active group of clarsach players in Shetland in the 1990s. butmany of the harp students and adult players had moved and the groupwas dormant for almost twenty years. Fortunately, well-known harpistSunita Staneslow recently…


The Iain MacLeòid Young Composer Award 2023 – The Winner!

The Clarsach Society and the Edinburgh International Harp Festival are proud to announce that the 2023 winner of the Iain Macleòid Young Composer Award is Donnchadh Mac Aodha. Harp player Donnchadh Mac Aodha is a composer and multi-instrumentalist from Dundalk Co.Louth, Ireland.  Currently studying composition under the direction of John Godfrey as part of his…

Continue Reading The Iain MacLeòid Young Composer Award 2023 – The Winner!